Front Step Repair

Est Cost: $293,729 | Beginning Spring of 2024

The front steps of the Mabel Tainter - arguably the most iconic feature of the building, outside of the theater itself - is in need of major repair and restoration. Over the past few years, we have been working alongside the Building Restoration Company to determine what specific work needs to be done, and what work would cost.

Repair will officially begin this Spring of 2024. For more information on the project, please see below.

Erosion and Water Flow

Erosion has severely impacted the quality of the front steps, causing them to misshape and become difficult to walk on. The middle section of steps has also started to lean back towards the building, meaning water pools towards the Mabel instead of dispersing away from it, threatening further damage.

Damage to the Historic Bathrooms

The undersides of the steps land right above our Historic Bathrooms, which needed to be closed off for safety reasons once those steps started caving in, leaving limestone droppings. These restrooms will be restored and reopened to the public as part of this project.

The Solution?

We repair what we can and replace what we must. Skilled stone masons are being hired to carefully remove any stones beyond repair, and replacing them with Dunnville Sandstone and Indiana Limestone - the original material used to create the entrance back in 1889. To view the full plan and repair needs proposed to us by the Building Restoration Company, click the button below.

  • Yes! We fully plan on continuing our operations during the construction. Our box office and main entrance will now be located by the North Annex doors.

  • Construction is set to begin in April 2024 and end by August 2024.

  • To financially support the Mabel and our upcoming projects, you can head to .

    Members who give $5,000 each year for 3 years, or $15,000 total, will be recognized with their name on a permanent plaque that will be attached to the new staircase!

    If you cannot financially support at this time, we would love it if you spread the word!